Subramanian Makesh Babu
Adhiparasakthi College of Physiotherapy Tamil Nadu, India
Title: Hazards, Menace and Consequences of Physical Inactivity – A Global Perspective
Biography: Subramanian Makesh Babu
Statement of the Problem/Background: Physical activity is defined as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that require energy expenditure. World Health Organization (2002) reports that about 60% of the global population do not do the daily minimum recommendation of 30 min of moderate intensity physical activity. In all developing countries, the levels of inactivity have been becoming virtually high and a great problem even in rapidly growing large cities of the world. According to the world Health Survey reports 9.4% Indian men are physically inactive which is the highest of physical inactivity in the Southeast Asian Region (countries include – India, Srilanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar) and Physical inactivity level of Indian women were reported as 15.6% which is the second place next to Bangladesh (27.0%). The studies performed by the various researchers from various countries among college students have been found to have moderate to poor physical activity levels/habits.
Objectives of the study: The primary objective of the study was to find out the level of Physical Activity among Physiotherapy students in a South Indian college setting. Secondary objective of the study was to find out the association between physical activity with selected variables.
Methodology: The study design was a cross sectional survey. A total of 60 participants comprising of 30 male and 30 female students were selected for the study by means of convenience sampling. International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) was used to identify the physical activity level of the students. IPAQ assesses physical activity undertaken across a comprehensive set of domains including: (a) leisure time physical activity (b) domestic and gardening (yard) activities (c) work-related physical activity (d) transport-related physical activity. Physical Activity levels were correlated with the selected variables. Conclusion: The data concluded that physical activity levels of male students are high compared to female students.
J. Baran et al. (2016) Physical activity of physiotherapy students of the University of Rzeszów and its impact on the subjects’ body composition. The 4th European Congress of the ER-WCPT / Physiotherapy 102S (2016) eS67–eS282.
Humeda S. Ahmed, Mohammed E. M. Khalid, Osama M. Osman, Mansour A. Ballal,1 and Fahaid H. Al-Hashem (2016) The association between physical activity and overweight and obesity in a population of children at high and low altitudes in Southwestern Saudi Arabia. J Family Community Med. 2016 May-Aug; 23(2): 82–87.
Roshini Rajappan, Karthikeyan Selvaganapathy, Lola Liew (2015) Physical Activity Level Among University Students: A Cross Sectional Survey. International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research, Vol 3(6):1336-43. ISSN 2321-1822.
A. Mihailova, I. Kaminska, and A. Bernane (2014) Physical activity in physiotherapy and physical education high school students. SHS Web of Conferences 10, 00025.
Regina Guthold, MPH, Tomoko Ono, MPH, Kathleen L. Strong, PhD, Somnath Chatterji, MD, Alfredo Morabia, MD, PhD (2008) Worldwide Variability in Physical Inactivity A 51-Country Survey. Am J Prev Med 34(6):486-94.