Aparna Gupta
SGT University ,India
Title: Motor Imagery For Gait & Balance Rehabilitation In Post Stroke Hemiparesis
Biography: Aparna Gupta
Researchers have been exploring the brain structures involved in motor imagery for over two decades.Understanding brain plasticity after stroke is important in developing rehab strategies.MI is a cognitive process in which a subject imagines that he/she performs a movement without actually performing the movement and without ever tensing the muscles.MI involves activation of neural system while a person imagines performing a task or body. A plethora of neuroimaging studies have demonstrated that the cortical and subcortical regions activated during MI tasks substantially overlap with those involved in movement execution.Generally portions of cerebral cortex considered to be involved with motor control include the primary motor cortex(M1),supplementary motor area(SMA),and pee motor cortex(PMC).MI induced brain activity typically involves premofor , SMAs & PMCs. Objective:To evaluate effect of MI on gait & balance in stroke patients.Design:RCT.Subjects:A total of 30 patients with gait & balance dysfunction after first ever stroke were randomly allocated to a motor imagery training group and a conventional group.Methods:MI group relieved 5 days each in 3 weeks mental practice followed by conventional therapy & control group relieved 5 days each in 3weeks only conventional therapy/exercises.MI group was shown a video showing normal movements before each session.Each week had a separate video comprising normal movements.Patients viewed and imagined the same.Videos were shown and repeated to help patients imagine the right and specific movements inflencing their gait & balance.Motor imagery was evaluated based on questionnaire KVIQ and gait & balance were assessed based on tinneti performance oriented mobility assessment scale.Result:MI was found significantly useful improving gait & balance in post stroke hemiparetic population.